This voicemail message was left on my iPhone:
This is an automated call from Apple. We are getting suspicious activities detected on your iCloud account and security has been breached due to unauthorized login attempts. We strongly recommend please do not access your any financial information such as banking, shopping, on your devices for security reasons until your iCloud account will not get fixed. Press 1 to talk with Apple Support, thank you.
Left by “Unknown” says my phone (think it’s a hacker?)
The call was identified as “Unknown” so I did not pick up. I wish I did however and pressed “1” as scam calls can be fun to engage with for a few minutes. This scam was amateur as the message English was pretty wonky (the above is the exact transcription) and the voice was just some text-to-speech app.
I’m guessing if I did answer and pressed “1” as instructed the call would have been picked up by a human at the scamming outfit and they’d try to get my Apple ID/password. But with that info what would they do next? Get access to my iCloud and steal my photos? Not exactly a huge payoff there.
I think I would’ve tried to give the scammer the Tom Mabe:
The Apple Support Communities did have a thread titled Recent voice message I received that was this exact case, seems to be a scam that has been around for a while, so don’t be fooled!